There are several WordPress event calendar plugins available for creating and managing events on your website. Here are 12 of the best: 1) the events calendar 2) all-in-one event calendar 3) event organiser 4) my calendar 5) eventon 6) modern events calendar 7) calendarize it!

8) wp event manager 9) amelia 10) stachethemes event calendar 11) events manager 12) simple calendar event calendars are essential for event management and making sure your website visitors stay informed about upcoming events. In this article, we’ll discuss the best wordpress event calendar plugins, their features, and help you find the perfect plugin for your website.

Boost Your Event Planning with 12 Best WordPress Event Calendar Plugins


Top 5 Free WordPress Calendar Plugins

WordPress event calendar plugins are a must-have if you’re running a website that hosts events regularly. The good news is that the wordpress community offers an abundance of event calendar plugins that meet varied business needs. The challenge lies in finding a plugin that is suitable for your website and budget.

In this post, we have compiled a list of the 12 best wordpress event calendar plugins. In this section, we’ll cover the top 5 free wordpress calendar plugins that promise robust functionalities without breaking the bank.

1. The Events Calendar

The events calendar is a popular wordpress event plugin that offers several features without any cost. It comes in both free and premium versions. Here are the pros and cons of the free version:


  • Seamless integration with wordpress
  • Intuitive user interface
  • Easy to create and manage events
  • Allows importing events from other calendars
  • Configurable event views
  • Accessible to users with disabilities


  • Lacks advanced features, such as custom fields and recurring events.
  • Limited design options
  • Slow support response time

2. Events Manager

Events manager is a free wordpress event plugin that boasts of robust features to create and manage events. Here’s what you can expect from events manager:


  • Create complex recurring events with ease
  • Customizable booking forms
  • Option to allow users to submit events from the frontend
  • Multilingual support
  • Google maps integration


  • Not ideal for beginners
  • Confusing user interface
  • Limited design options
  • Seo optimization issues

3. My Calendar

My calendar is another free plugin to create and manage events seamlessly. Here are the key features of my calendar:


  • Create, manage and display events with ease
  • Option to create event groups
  • Color-coded events for easy differentiation
  • Multiple widgets to display events on the website
  • Easy to adjust time zones
  • Customizable templates


  • Limited customization options
  • The user interface is slightly outdated
  • Limited support resources
  • The plugin has not been updated frequently

4. All-In-One Event Calendar

All-in-one event calendar is a feature-packed free plugin to manage events on wordpress websites. Here are the key features of all-in-one event calendar: Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!


  • Easy to create and manage events
  • Supports recurring events
  • Allows importing and exporting of events
  • Supports google maps integration
  • Several widgets to display events
  • Compatible with seo plugins


  • Limited design options
  • Not user-friendly for beginners
  • Customization requires a learning curve.

5. Events Made Easy

Events made easy is a free plugin to create and manage events on wordpress. Here’s what you can expect from the plugin:


  • Integrates with eventbrite, paypal, and stripe
  • Supports recurring events
  • Allows importing and exporting events
  • Multilingual support
  • Allows users to register for events from the frontend
  • Customizable templates


  • Limited design options
  • Not suitable for beginners
  • Outdated user interface
  • Limited support resources

Wrapping Up

These are our top 5 free wordpress calendar plugins that you can choose from to create and manage events on wordpress websites. They all have unique functionalities that cater to different business needs. However, keep in mind that these plugins may have their limitations and it’s essential to choose the one that correctly suits your website’s requirements.

Top 5 Premium WordPress Calendar Plugins

Boost your event planning with top 5 premium wordpress calendar plugins

If you’re searching for the best premium wordpress calendar plugins, look no further. In this post, we’ll explore the top five options in depth. Each of these contenders boasts several noteworthy features, making them the go-to choice for wordpress event websites.

Let’s dive right into our analysis of their capabilities and features.

1. The Events Calendar Pro

  • Features:
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Additional calendar views
  • Customizable and extensible through hooks and filters
  • Built-in grid view
  • Professional ticketing and rsvp features
  • Pros:
  • Large community for support and updates
  • Multiple language support
  • Top-rated user reviews
  • Easy to use ui
  • Cons:
  • Steep pricing
  • Limited website integrations

2. Modern Events Calendar

  • Features:
  • Extensive shortcode options
  • Extensive design options
  • User-friendly and easy to navigate
  • Multiple ticketing options
  • High flexibility and customization
  • Pros:
  • Multiple design choices that are visually appealing
  • Various customization options to suit your event website
  • Highly rated by users
  • Great support system
  • Cons:
  • Slightly more expensive than other plugins
  • Some features may not be user-friendly for beginners

3. All-In-One Event Calendar

  • Features:
  • Customizable color schemes
  • Import and export options
  • Easy to navigate
  • Versatile & compatible with other plugins
  • Advanced recurring event options
  • Pros:
  • User-friendly interface
  • Capable of numerous website integrations
  • Open source and free to use
  • Availability to manage and view your events in an extensive command center.
  • Cons:
  • May not display as well on mobile devices
  • Limited user support system.

4. My Calendar

  • Features:
  • Easy to install and use
  • Multisite support
  • Multiple display options
  • Dead simple interface
  • Advanced user permissions
  • Pros:
  • Open-source and free to use
  • User-friendly interface for beginner website owners
  • Can be easily pasted into posts and pages through shortcodes
  • Availability to manage and view your events in an extensive command center.
  • Cons:
  • Limited customization available
  • Limited design and style options.

5. Events Manager

  • Features:
  • Multisite support
  • Build in registration system
  • Google maps integration
  • Built-in rsvp capabilities
  • Built-in event tags and categories
  • Pros:
  • Free to use open-source software
  • Advanced recurring event options
  • Well documented and easy to search knowledgebase
  • Compatible with various templates and themes
  • Cons:
  • The user interface may not be user-friendly for beginners
  • Limited ticketing options compared to its paid competitors.

With these top 5 premium wordpress calendar plugins, it becomes easy to plan events and make them accessible to your website’s audience. Each plugin has its own strengths and weaknesses, depending on what features you prioritize. So choose the one that suits your needs, integrate it into your website, and start creating engaging events in minutes!

Features To Look For In A WordPress Event Calendar Plugin

Are you planning an event and looking for an effective way to keep your attendees up-to-date? Look no further than wordpress event calendar plugins! With so many options available, it’s important to consider which features are most important for your event planning needs.

Here are some key features to look for when choosing a wordpress event calendar plugin:


One important feature to consider is customization. Look for a plugin that allows you to adjust the design and layout to match your brand or event theme. You’ll want to be able to control the color scheme, fonts, and layout to ensure your calendar looks as professional as possible.

  • Ability to customize color scheme, fonts, and layout.
  • Ability to match the calendar to your brand or event theme.


Compatibility is another crucial feature to keep in mind when choosing a wordpress event calendar plugin. You need a plugin that will integrate seamlessly with your wordpress website and any other tools you may be using to promote your event.

  • Ensure that the plugin works with your wordpress website.
  • Check for integration with third-party tools and services you may be using.


Finally, when it comes to event planning, user-friendliness is key. Look for a wordpress event calendar plugin that is easy to use and understand, both for you and your attendees. Ideally, the plugin should have a user-friendly interface that allows you to add events and make changes with ease.

  • Easy to use interface for both you and your attendees.
  • User-friendly features for adding and editing events.

By considering these important features, you can select a wordpress event calendar plugin that will boost your event planning and keep your attendees informed. Remember to choose a plugin that offers the right level of customization, compatibility, and user-friendliness to suit your needs.

Incorporating these features will ensure that your event calendar stands out and gets noticed!

How To Install A WordPress Event Calendar Plugin

Discuss The Easy Installation Process For WordPress Event Calendar Plugins.

Installing a wordpress event calendar plugin is a piece of cake. Here, we’ve outlined the steps you need to follow to download and install a plugin quickly.

  • First, log in to your wordpress website’s dashboard.
  • On the left-hand side, you will find an option called ‘plugins’. Click on it.
  • Once clicked, select ‘add new’ from the sub-menu options.
  • In the search box at the top, type the name of the plugin you want to download. For example, you can type ‘the events calendar’.
  • From the search results, select the plugin that you want to install.
  • Once selected, click ‘install now’ and wait for the process to finish.
  • Once installed, the ‘install now’ button will change to ‘activate’. Click on it.
  • The wordpress event calendar plugin has now been installed and activated on your website.

Explain Any Nifty Tricks Or Tips That Will Make Installation More Effective.

Installing a wordpress event calendar plugin can be made more effective through the following:

  • Always check the reviews and ratings of the plugin before downloading and installing it.
  • Ensure that you download and install the latest version of the plugin to have all the necessary features and support available.
  • Before installing, make sure that your website is compatible with the wordpress version required for the plugin.
  • Ensure that you have regular backups of your website in case there are compatibility issues.
  • Once you’ve installed the plugin, go to the settings to customize it based on your requirements.
  • Lastly, regular updates of the installed plugin should always be done for smooth functionality.

Mention The Importance Of Compatibility With The WordPress Version.

Compatibility is crucial when it comes to downloading and installing wordpress event calendar plugins. Some older versions of wordpress may not support the latest versions of certain plugins, while others may not work with certain plugins at all. It’s essential to ensure that the plugin you want to install is compatible with your website’s version of wordpress before installing it.

This is to avoid conflicts, crashes, and functionality issues. By checking the plugin’s requirements and your website’s wordpress version compatibility, you’ll have a smooth running website with a working and updated event calendar.


After going through the list of the 12 best wordpress event calendar plugins, it is evident that there are numerous options available for users to choose from. Each of these plugins comes with its unique features, advantages, and limitations. So, it’s essential to assess your event management requirements and website’s needs before settling on which plugin to incorporate.

Whether you are looking for a free or paid plugin, there is something suitable for every wordpress user. By integrating any of these plugins into your website, you can improve your events’ visibility, make it easy for your visitors to register for events, and manage events efficiently.

Overall, using a wordpress event calendar plugin will ensure that your website remains up-to-date and relevant, ultimately contributing to the growth of your business or organization.